The Six Most Effective Diets To Lose Weight And Lose Weight In A Healthy Way

It is a classic when diets are started and there is no specialist who does not emphasize it. The nutritionists insist much on that the key to a good system is to be “moderate, varied and balanced.” To lose weight, it is enough to follow a series of guidelines, and to prioritize some foods over others, but most mortals also need a specific menu : A well-regulated one that assures success.


So that your diet does not cojee and you are informed of the false myths , we recommend you the following book: ‘ My diet no longer limps: The practical guide for healthy acompants without complications ‘. New diets appear every year, but not all are recommended. In general, for a diet to be effective in losing weight, but also be safe, it can not be too strict. But, in addition, it must adapt something to our tastes, because if it will not be very simple that we happen of her and we end up eating more of the account.
It is difficult to make a selection of the best ones (although there are many that are not recommended, there are also many proven ones), but these three have the support of prestigious institutions and scientists and a large group of people who have made them successfully.


1. The Diet of The Mayo Clinic:

The Mayo Clinic is one of the most prestigious private hospital companies in the world , well known for its powerful research work. The nutritionists of the institution elaborated a standardized diet that recommends patients to lose weight, but also to maintain a healthy diet over time.
To follow the diet correctly you have to practice 30 minutes of intense exercise a day
It is an excellent diet as a maintenance regime, because it is very complete and safe, although it does not allow you to lose weight as fast as other plans. No nutrient is eliminated but, as in the majority of weight loss plans, the intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains prevails.


The goal of the Mayo Clinic diet is to help you lose excess weight and find a way to eat that you can maintain for life. It focuses on changing your daily routine by adding or breaking habits that can make a difference in your weight, such as eating more fruits and vegetables, not eating while watching TV and exercising for 30 minutes a day.

In the initial phase of the diet, which lasts two weeks, you can lose between 2.7 and 4.5 kilos . This is a typical type of a daily menu, which contains 1,200 calories. In this stage, you focus on lifestyle habits that are related to weight. You learn to adopt five healthy habits , to abandon five bad habits and to incorporate five additional ones. This stage can help you see some quick results (a psychological stimulus).



  • A skimmed yogurt and a piece of fruit.
  • 1/2 cup of cooked oatmeal with one of milk and two tablespoons of raisins, 1/4 of mango and a drink without calories.



  • A pasta salad made with a can of tuna, four cups of cooked pasta, two cups of carrot and diced zucchini and four tablespoons of low-calorie mayonnaise and an orange.
  • Quinoa and sweet potato cakes, mixed salad with fat-free dressing and a calorie-free drink.


  • One third of a 12-inch cheese pizza.
  • A green salad made with half a cup of sliced ​​tomato, red onion and mushrooms. And two tablespoons of dressing.
  • 1 Arabic bread pizza, 3/4 cup mixed fruit and a no-calorie drink.
  • Appetizer between the three meals

2. The Mediterranean Diet:
The Mediterranean diet is the traditional diet that has greater scientific support and we all know what it consists of: a high consumption of fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, legumes and olive oil, and low red meat, sugars and saturated fats . But, in addition, an important component is the practice of exercise. Since it is the diet that was used in our country until not long ago , it is very easy to follow. But we must bear in mind that what we can today understand as “Mediterranean diet” does not always correspond to what scientists understand as such.


New diets always appear, but not all are recommended. For one to be effective to lose weight it can not be too strict.The Predimed study conducted in Spain, for example, concluded in a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine that a Mediterranean diet enriched with nuts and extra virgin olive oil reduces by 30% the possibility of dying from an accident cardi or vascular . A new research published today in the ‘ International Journal of Epidemiology ‘, however, qualifies the universal goodness of mixing fruits, vegetables, fish, cereals, legumes and olive oil, and adds a forgotten nuance to make this diet truly effective : have money or belong to the upper class.

Use olive oil. It is the most used oil in Mediterranean cuisine. It is a food rich in vitamin E, beta-carotenes and monounsaturated fatty acids that give it cardioprotective properties. This food represents a treasure within this regime and has lasted through centuries between regional gastronomic customs giving the dishes a unique flavor and aroma.


Unprocessed, fresh and seasonal foods are the most appropriate. It is important to take advantage of seasonal products because, especially in the case of fruits and vegetables, we can consume them at their best, both at the level of nutrient supply and their aroma and flavor.


This could be a daily menu:


  • A coffee with milk.
  • A slice of bread with olive oil.
  • A glass of natural orange juice.


A piece of fruit.

  • Stewed lentils.
  • Meatballs with peas and carrot.
  • Strawberries with cream.



  • Mixed salad.
  • Baked fish with roasted potatoes.
  • A yogurt.

3. The DASH Diet:

The DASH diet responds to the acronym ‘Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension ‘ (“nutritional approach to stop hypertension”) and, as the name suggests, was developed by the US National Institute of Health as a specific diet to treat patients with high blood pressure.  Although it was not born as a weight loss diet, it does serve that purpose.


Saturated fats, refined sugars and carbohydrates are practically banned.


It is a very varied diet in which the intake of fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy is prioritized. Whole grains, meat, fish and legumes are also consumed, but in a more restricted way. Saturated fats , refined sugars and carbohydrates are virtually prohibited. The diet is accompanied by a plan of activities of physical exercise and reduces to the minimum expression the consumption of alcohol. Since it is a diet especially recommended to treat hypertension, salt is limited to the point where our stews begin to know something.


This could be a daily menu:


  • Integral sandwich of turkey and tomato.
  • An orange.
  • A green tea.


  • Pineapple.


  • Roasted pork loin with brown rice and beans.
  • A salad of lettuce.


  • Carrot sticks.


  • Pasta with natural tomato and mussels.
  • Gelatin without sugar.

Flexitarian Diet:

The term of this regime refers to those people who base their diet on a vegetarian diet but occasionally, and for whatever reasons, consume some products of animal origin such as seafood, fish or poultry. Some will think that then everyone enters into this concept, but it is not so. Their diet is based on a green diet and the consumption of animal origin is occasional or exceptional. What defines it is the frequency in this type of food intake.
Emphasizes the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and vegetable proteins , which supply those that would provide the meat, although the diet also allows the consumption of eggs and dairy. Meat as such is only added in very small quantities as an ingredient in pasta dishes or salads.


Power Diet:
The University of Newcastle, Australia, has presented a weight loss program only designed for men and has been baptized as Workplace POWER, an acronym for Preventing Obesity Whitout Eating Like a Rabbit (‘Prevent obesity without eating like a rabbit’). “Many men do not recognize that they are overweight,” explains one of the creators of the diet, Professor Philip Morgan , in “The Sidney Morning Herald . ” Having a belly does not seem to be a problem when all your classmates have one. normalized among men because 70% are obese or overweight.”


These are his main tips:



Be generous with him and never skip it. Avoid foods with a high glycemic index and ingest proteins, which will keep you satiated for longer. Eggs are always a good option.

Salads and leftovers of what you do for dinner are always a good choice. If for any reason you are forced to eat out, try to choose healthy options, such as vegetable sandwiches . Try to always eat fruit and avoid sugary drinks.


Think about the proportions of your food: half should be vegetables, a fourth meat and other carbohydrates.
Always bring food from home to avoid eating too caloric food typical of fast food establishments and vending machines. Always read the labels of what you are going to eat and keep in mind your calories to avoid exceeding your daily requirements. It is the best way to be sure that you are not gaining weight.


Think before you eat. You do not have to give up the drinks and foods that you like, you just have to reduce the intake of the most caloric ones and introduce healthier options. Move on. Stand up and go as much as you can. All the steps count if you try to lose weight . Go up the stairs instead of using the elevator, park farther and walk. Moving is the best way to meet your goals as soon as possible.


TLC Diet:
It was designed by the American National Institute of Health, although this time as a diet to treat cholesterol. Again, experts have considered that it is an ideal diet for all types of profiles, as it is ” very healthy, complete and safe “.


It is a regime based on the ” do it yourself ” approach: it is very flexible but requires a great commitment, given that it is not as regulated as other diets. The key of the plan resides in the reduction to the minimum expression of the consumption of fats , in particular the saturated fats (whole milk, fried, fatty meats). For the rest, the consumption of whole grains, fruit, vegetables, fish and chicken (without the skin) is preferred.

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