Digital Marketing Trends for 2020

How is it presented next year? What will be the trends of Digital Marketing in 2020?

The digital marketing sector is constantly evolving, and in order to compete in the market it is necessary to be up to date about news and trends.

We have researched the best strategies for next year and have had the opinion of great experts. Knowing the digital marketing tips for 2020 will allow you to prepare your strategies, take the lead and outdo your competitors.

What trends will dominate in 2020?

The most important of all is no news: the user is the center of everything, it is who commands and it is the changes in the habits of the users that make it necessary to modify the strategies to adapt. 

In fact, there is talk of a completely mobile user, providing very useful advice on how to improve mobile usability and how to monitor user behaviors to get noticed on Google.

Another powerful engine of change is new technologies , such as Big Data or artificial intelligence. Its different applications to digital marketing open new paths and possibilities in the sector.

These, then, are the points to consider in the development of the next strategies:

1. voice searches

In general, searches performed on devices such as Echo or Google Home are not transactional … for now. People do not use smart speakers to buy, but for other functions such as playing music or talking about the weather.

This does not mean that they do not offer opportunities for marketing , quite the opposite! The creation of specific brand content for these channels will be the trend throughout the coming year and the following.

More and more brands are working on creating content of value for the user adapted to smart speakers, such as Alexa skills. Do not be left behind!

2. Personalized treatment and communication

Today things have changed a lot. The connectivity allows the user direct contact with the brand , and the user does not hesitate to use this possibility by treating the brand from you to you, even reproaching him in public when things are not going well. 

Mass communication is less and less likely to impact due to digital infoxication. In order for communication between brand and user to flow, it must be fully customized.

This new trend generates two interesting changes, which must be contemplated by brands in their strategies for next year and the following:

-The messaging channels that used to be reserved for communication between individuals, are becoming increasingly important for brands. We talk about the use of Messenger or WhatsApp for companies , increasingly common.

-Following this trend, chatbots are increasingly used and these are increasingly evolved. Chatbots are one of the many applications of artificial intelligence , and allow companies to have personalized conversations in real time with their customers.

3. Social Media Marketing

It is an upward trend, so a good strategy for 2020 will be to create publications to make products available to users through these channels, the so-called “shoppable posts”. The images work very well, but the short videos get even better results. 

Some advertisers redirect the user to the product page in their ecommerce through social media posts. However, platforms such as Facebook or Instagram allow integrated purchases, which makes things much easier for sellers.

Integrated purchases dramatically shorten the sales funnel, allowing brands to reach new markets and impact new users in a friendly way.

4. watch videos (or listen to podcasts) to read text

Did you know that every day you see more than 100 million hours of video on Facebook? And that YouTube has more than one billion active users? The importance of video does not stop increasing, and more and more brands use this format to advertise.

Currently all major platforms support streaming video, which suggests that live video will continue to dominate as a content format throughout 2020.

Facebook or Instagram are ideal platforms to show users more about your brand through live videos. This type of videos transmits confidence and closeness, helping your brand to get popularity and engagement.

On the other hand, video ads get more interaction and better results than other advertising formats. According to Forbes, 90% of customers say that videos help them make purchasing decisions, and online shoppers who watch demo videos are almost twice as likely to buy a product.

In turn, podcast content offers the advantage of being consumed while doing activities that do not allow us to look at a screen, such as driving, walking or cooking.

The creation of branded content in this format will help the company to differentiate and retain the audience, which perceives these contents as “friendlier”.

Powerful media like Spotify are making heavy investments in the podcast industry, in close connection with the increase in smart speakers and voice assistants.

5. Users seek experiences and participation

Content marketing should focus during 2020 on providing the user with interactivity and new experiences as the best way to get engagement.

For example, interactive videos, virtual reality and augmented reality years ago that arrived and are rapidly evolving, although most brands still do not take advantage of their possibilities. 

These technologies make innovation and creativity available to brands that will allow them to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

In summary, the main trends in digital marketing in 2020 are to get the most out of new technologies, focusing the strategy entirely on the user.

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