Recommendations To GAIN Weight In A Healthy Way And Without Counting Calories

Surely when reading the title you are wondering who wants to gain weight that is not the other way around?

It’s true, if we take a global picture, most people are overweight. However, there is a minority of people who are looking to gain weight. And to achieve it, it can be as frustrating and dangerous as trying to lose weight.

This happens because there is a lot of confusion in the subject, which only causes that in the attempt to affect your health and well-being. Learning to eat healthy and improve your eating habits is the best strategy to achieve the results you are looking for and improve your quality of life completely.

In this detailed article, you find 6 easy recommendations to begin to gain weight in a healthy and safe way.

We all have that friend who eats a lot and it seems that all that he ate evaporates suddenly (and secretly we all want that to happen with our body).

According to a study published in 2016 (but with data from 2014) it is estimated that there is less than 10% of men and women with low weight 1

But beware, many people who are looking to gain weight, are not always in the category of having a “low weight” later we will see what this is about.

Sometimes you just want to gain weight to gain self-confidence, to look and especially to feel better, just as some people with an appropriate weight want to eliminate the typical “michelín” waist for the summer.

If you want to gain weight, it is very important to learn to do it safely and healthily. This way we make sure that the results you achieve stay with you always and contribute to improve your health.

And if your case, you landed in the perfect place.


Why can not I gain weight?

There are many theories about why there are naturally thin people, in some of these theories it has been seen that it can influence: genetics, the habits that were cultivated in childhood, having satiety mechanisms stronger than the rest (feeling fuller faster ) 2 or have a more active personality.

But it can also be due to certain health problems, such as thyroid problems, parasites or eating disorders.

Therefore, it is very important to see a doctor who can help you quickly detect any problem that may be contributing to low weight.

As you can see, the topic is complex, so before starting it is important to clarify 5 very important points:


Weight is not the best reference measure:


The weight is an easy and universal measure, that is, if you have 1 kilo of carrots and I am in China with 1 kilo of carrots, we have the same amount of carrots.

But, the weight of your body is NOT the most objective measure, because it is a measure that fluctuates during the time (even during the day), and here comes an important point: the density of the muscle is different than the density of the fat, what in practical terms means that muscle mass has less volume but weighs more than fat.

That is to say, 10 kilos of muscle are not seen in your body as 10 kg of fat.

And for these reasons, we landed at the next point.


The goal is to change your body composition:


Your body composition, what translated into Spanish means the percentage of fat and the percentage of muscle you have (among other percentages).

It does not matter if you are looking to gain weight or lose weight, your goal (repeat with me) has to be to change your body composition.

What you want is to have more muscle (increase the percentage) and maintain a healthy percentage of fat (since fat also has a fundamental role in our body)

And speaking of healthy levels.


There is no ideal weight:


You read well, there is no ideal weight.

Just as there is no ideal gift, the ideal house, the ideal couple, etc.

What does exist is a healthy weight range for you.

By this I mean that, monitor your weight in detail or try to reach a number on the scale, is not the best strategy (neither to raise, nor to lower).

For example, in my case, when I am constant in the gym, I weigh between 50 and 51 kilos and, I feel comfortable with my body, but, if I do another type of exercise such as yoga one month or go running more often, the weight changes and It came to weigh 49 kilos. Even if I reached 53 kilos, I would still be in a healthy weight range for me, but, maybe the neighbor who is taller than me, has a healthy weight range between 58 or 61 kilos.

It would be absurd if the neighbor wants to weigh what I weigh, or vice versa, can I explain?

Of course if I go up much more weight or low, I would soon notice it in the size of my pants or waist size, which brings us to the next important point.


There are more objective measures than the weight:


You have probably heard about the Body Mass Index. If not, do not worry it is not as complicated as it seems.

It is simply a formula that takes into account your height and your weight. Something like if you wanted to know the cubic meters of your kitchen (below you find an interactive way to calculate yours)

The result of this formula tells you if you are in a low weight, in a normal weight, if you are overweight, or if you have obesity. It is a measure used internationally and it is very useful, because you will quickly know what category you are in.

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