Influencer Marketing 101: The Dos and Don’ts for a successful Campaign

When we talk about influencer marketing it isn’t a new concept to learn. Unlike past features, many things have changed and everyday people can be an influencer. People are following social media channels like – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat Etc. Here we will discuss influencer marketing in detail.

What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing (IM) is a campaign related to marketing that involves an online personality that is paid, whether it is related to money or offers a free product. Their collaboration cost is usually related to the size of influencers they are following – the larger the influencer, the more you will have to pay. There are 3 types of influencers:

  • Macro-influencers 
  • Micro-influencers 
  • Mega-influencers

Benefits of Working with an Influencer

There are many benefits to working with someone who reaches social media to offer benefits.

  • Social media posts offer longevity

It is associated with traditional ways of marketing or advertisement on social media. When a TV ad or campaign ends, it becomes out of sight. While influencers post the endorsement on their social channels, the longevity of the campaign continues to appear until the post is deleted.

  • Easy to work with Influencers

Unlike traditional ads like TV or Radio which can be very expensive, there’s an influencer out there to fit in every niche. Influencers can do work like taking photos or writing blogs. It is used to boost the posts on their social channels.

  • Offers a Reasonable budget to meet your needs

It all depends on the nature of the campaign, it can be as short or as long as you want. It may be when you start it with a one-off post or to check its collaboration.

  • Influencer Campaigns can be easily measured

Influencer Campaigns can be easily measured through sales or traffic from both influencers toward companies’ websites.

Where to find influencers?

  • Search Engines- Google or Yahoo are the main places to start your influencer search. 

  • Social Media Platforms- You can visit your targeted social media channel and can use a search function to search out the best category, keyword, or hashtag.

  • Ranking Platforms- Tools which are used to allow views about channel rankings. These metrics will help you to find your ideal influencers.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Working with Influencers

If you are working with an influencer first time there are a few do’s and don’ts to follow:


  •  You have to get a clear idea of the campaign’s objectives or motives. Which includes the number of posts you would like to see.
  • You should know about your desired Call-to-Action. It depends on the number of followers who are responding to keywords.
  • Create an influencer contract to make sure there is a clear understanding of the goals that are necessary to be achieved.


  • Don’t try to judge popularity alone. Influencers & followers should engage with each other. 
  • You should avoid spending money uselessly. You can throw money at an influencer and tell them to do what they think is the best. Make sure to provide a clear outlook of desirable tasks.
  • Don’t leave out the deadline. Make sure to have a clear understanding including campaign starting or ending dates.

Read Also: The Rise Of Influencer Marketing In 2023: What You Need To Know

Tracking Influencer Marketing Is a Successful Campaign

One of the major benefits of influencer marketing is how it can be easily measured. Different methods can measure campaigns success:

  • Sales

In this method, if you see a spike in sales during or at the ending level, you can consider the campaign successful. Different social media posts can develop awareness for several months or weeks after the post is published.

  • Analytics provided by influencers

You should not be hesitant to ask for analytics which are related to traffic. A good influencer expects this and gets ready to give information.

  • Internal analytics

Look for a spike in web traffic, like website pages that include product details or services. You can also provide a specific landing page or monitor main traffic.

Influencer Marketing 101:CONCLUSION

By following these methods you can look at the failure or success of your campaign. You need to master these components to realize successful influencer campaigns. You can realize your aims with the help of proper plan & strategy.

If you follow the above mentioned key factors, you will achieve your influencer marketing aims.

INFLUENCER MARKETING-The Dos and Don'ts for a successful Campaign-prahub-blog

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