Can Dogs Boost Our Mood in Stress?

Dogs evolve from just being a pet to a friend and a family member in no time. They have proven to be one of the best companions of human beings.  Dog gets attuned of their owner’s behavior and emotions. They can even sense your feelings and like any other companion accompanied you to make you feel better. Owning a dog brings a great deal of fun and affection in your life. In addition to this growing up with a dog helps your child to build emotional skills, parental skills, model their behavior and up raise their self-esteem. Not only this people who own dogs remain fit as the pet keeps them moving which boosts their immune system and keeps them less prone to allergies such as eczema or asthma.

can dog-boost your mood

Provide you a reason to Live:

Regardless these benefits do you know that dogs come with pretty powerful mental health benefits? Dog pet owners claim that seeing their pet waiting for them when they come home after a bad day makes them feel relaxed. Looking after your pet provides you a feeling that someone is dependent on you that makes you feel wanted. In addition to this cuddling and snuggling with their pet dog elevates their mood easily.  Playing with your dog can help you to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

can dog boost our mood in stress

Becomes A Lean Ear For You In Times Of Need:

The human and animal bond bypasses the intellect and goes straight to the heart. Dogs love you unconditionally and prove to be a lean ear in the times of sadness and depression. Dogs are good listener you can talk to them for hours and hours and they will not get bored. You can easily open your heart in front of them without any reluctance. Moreover they can help you break the ice and reduce your isolation. By taking them on walk, jog or parks can make you interact with other dog parents. Human interaction also plays an important part in reducing pain linked to nerve damage.

Reduces Isolation:

Touching your dog is an easy way to reduce your stress as cuddling with them lowers your blood pressure and quickly calms you down. Your dog makes you laugh more, their hanging tongue, Wagging tail and funny activities with toys makes you feel happy and entertained. In addition to this, playing with your dog releases oxytocin hormones that are known as love hormones they work as neurotransmitters that reduce negative feelings and lower cortisol levels. They also cause your brain’s level of dopamine and serotonin increase that is related to pleasure and tranquility.

can dog fresh our mood in stress

Keeps You Moving:

Do you know exercising can also help you to reduce stress? No matter how much you try to keep your pet busy in indoor games they require a proper routine of going out for walk and play. Talking them out makes you move yourself. In addition to this taking care of your pet, giving them bath and preparing their bed brings a minimum amount of extra physical efforts that can help you release your stress.

Read Also:  5 Tips For Healthy Outdoor Activities

can dog change your mood

Author Bio:

Wendy is a self-employed beauty therapist, mother of two; life-long pet parent and lover of dogs who somehow manages to squeeze in the time to satisfy another of her loves – writing. Wendy is the founder, main contributor to and editor of

can dogs-boost your mood in stress

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