100 Most Effective and Easy Tips To Lose Weight

You are on a diet. We know that you put all your intention, that’s why we have prepared the best tips to lose weight of the latest scientific research: They are tricks and tips to help you lose weight quickly and healthy.
When you start the diet you are motivated and you feel strongly, come on, it is normal when you propose a change in your life. However, this positive attitude is not always easy to maintain, either because the day to day makes it difficult for you to follow the guidelines or because of you yourself “boycott”.
It is normal to find difficulties, there is the challenge of losing weight , so that you can overcome them we give you these 100 tricks and tips to lose weight:
1. Eat Melon:
Accompany it with egg, very rich in protein, to get the perfect fat breakfast , since these break down the carbohydrates of the melon but respect their vitamins.

2. Buy Goat Cheese:
It has up to 40% less calories than cow.

3. Eat Beans Once a Week:
An enzyme in these legumes tells the body to break down stored fat instead of carbohydrates for energy.

4. Kitchen With Spinach:
Before any other green vegetable: they have double the fiber, which helps your body to process fats more efficiently.

5. Drink a Glass of Red Wine a Day:
The wine prevents you from accumulating fat, especially in the abdominal area. The resveratrol of the grapes inhibits the development of fat cells in the waist.

6. For Dessert, Fruits of The Forest:
The other fruits contain fructose, which combines with carbohydrates to accumulate body fat.

7. Have A Bowl of Muesli:
Because two hours before training increases fat burning during training. Muesli is a slow-digesting carbohydrate and has less chance of being transferred to the body as fat when training, but it is still a good source of energy.

8. Always Eat “Good” Fats:
For example: walnuts and olive oil , which also help reduce the risk of heart disease.

9. Start Your Meals With Salad:
If it is of black beans, cousins, tomatoes, onions and corn and the aliñás with olive oil and lemon will promote weight loss . The combination of fiber, hunger suppressants and fat burning compounds will make you get rid of those extra kilos.

10. Egg Whites For Breakfast:
The protein in egg whites will keep you from getting the bug for a longer time. Accompany them with two slices of bacon.

11. Move To The Lombard:
Lose a few hundred grams by going to the Lombard as a daily lunch garnish. It helps to lose weight by increasing the body’s production of adiponectin, which burns fat and leptin, which suppresses appetite.

12. Try The Avocado:
It will provide you with the oleic acid that will help you lose weight and keep your hunger at bay.

13. Incorporate Cooked Ham Into Your Diet:
The cooked ham on the back of the loin is the one with more protein and less fat.

14. Drink The Juice With Your Pulp:
The fiber is processed more quickly, which will make you feel satiated for longer.

15. Eat High-Fiber Carbohydrates:
And that they are low in carbohydrates, like the nuts, the quinoa, the barley and the oat flakes. They will help you regulate insulin levels and calm the hunger bug throughout the day.

16. Take Pineapple:
Not only is it the best you can chop to speed up your metabolism , it also contains bromelain , which helps break down proteins.

17. Sprinkle Cinnamon In Yogurt:
This spice is a powerful metabolic accelerator : half a teaspoon a day is enough to burn an extra kilo per month.

18. Change The Rice For The Cauliflower Au Gratin:
Do it for your belly, since it has no starch and the vitamin C it contains will help you burn body fat.

19. Add Spicy Food:
This will trigger your metabolism to process fat faster.

20. Eat Camembert Cheese For Dessert For Dinner:
Since it takes calcium, it burns fats, and tryptophan, which induces sleep.

21. Eat Crushed Peppers:
They contain six times more vitamin C than tomatoes, crucial to help your body convert fat into energy.

22. Dilute The Whole Milk of Cereals With Water:
This reduces the absorption of sugar and decreases the consumption of fat.

23. Take More Iodine:
You will find it in fish and yogurt. This stimulates the thyroid gland, the organ responsible for burning calories.

24. Drink Green Tea:
It contains a compound that reacts with caffeine to accelerate the oxidation of fat and resting metabolism by 20%.

25. Add Tomato To Your Sandwich:
It will help you to sate more and reduce your chances of itching after eating. The fruit suppresses ghrelin, the hormone responsible for the “punctures” of hunger.
26. Eat More Calcium:
Calcium prevents the accumulation of fat at the cellular level.

27. Eat Corn Nachos:
Because they have half the fat of potatoes and release sugar more slowly into the bloodstream, which controls insulin and slows weight gain.

28. Red Meat To Burn Fat:
It contains many proteins , which will help you maintain muscle mass , and muscle burns four times more calories than fat.

29. Almonds Always With Vinegar:
Accelerates the rate at which fat burns your body. Add a splash of vinaigrette or vinegar daily to your salads and sauces.

30. Sprinkle Olive Oil On Salads:
Olive oil contains “good” fatty acids, which activate a protein that tells the body when it is satiated to prevent you from eating too much.

31. Take Linoleic Acid Supplements:
And you will lose 9% more fat after a year.

32. Oolong Tea Instead of Water:
You will burn 12% more body fat

33. Eat Three 250-calorie Protein-rich Daily Snacks:
Those who do have a 30% more chance of losing weight.

34. Eat Pomegranate:
The oil of the seeds of this fruit reduces the capacity of the body to store fat and, in addition, will mitigate your craving for sweets.

35. If You Can Handle It, Eat Raw Chilli Peppers:
They release the body’s stress hormones, which accelerate metabolism and improve weight loss.

36. Take A Tablespoon of Coconut Oil A Day:
This will speed up the metabolism and reduce body fat .

37. Get Sipped With 70 Almonds Daily:
You will lose 8% body fat in 6 months. Its protein and fiber will make you feel full.

38. Eat Beans:
The people who add them as garnish in the food are 22% less likely to suffer from obesity.

39. Add Lentils To Each Meal:
Lentils are very rich in leucine, an amino acid that burns fat quickly.

40. Take A Capsule of Borage Seed Oil a Day:
To stay slim: 80% of those who tried it said that it helped them not to recover the weight lost with exercise.

41. Eat An Apple 15 Minutes Before Lunch:
You will consume 187 fewer calories if you do so.

42. Make Yourself Smoothies:
Put 200g of strawberries, 125ml of soy milk and 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract in the blender and you will obtain an anti-gut milkshake.

43. Try To Take a Handful of Peas A Day:
This way you will obtain folates and fiber beneficial for the heart, in addition to a higher level of satiety than with other foods.

44. Get The Exact Percentage of Body Fat:
Eat 1.5g of protein per kilo of your weight: only 20/30% of total calories should come from fat.

45. Add Chives To Your Post-workout Meal:
They metabolize carbohydrates to fuel exercise and are rich in fiber, which helps you lose weight.

46. Drink Grapefruit Juice:
You will lose 2 kilos in 12 weeks, thanks to the enzymes that reduce insulin.

47. Have Breakfast:
They contain low-calorie proteins, perfect for losing weight, plus they will leave you satiated all morning.

48. Eat One Serving of Dairy Per Day:
Doubling the consumption of calcium improves the rate at which your body metabolizes fat by 50%.

49. Eat Lupine Flour Bread:
It will satisfy you for longer.

50. A Glass of Carrot Juice A Day:
It will help you lose two kilos in the next 12 weeks. It is rich in fiber and nutrients that will help you burn fat.
51. Add A Bit of Soy To Say Goodbye To The Extra Kilo:

Soy proteins interact with the receptors in our brain to tell you that we are full.

52. Chew Gum Without Sugar:
Do it for 15 minutes after eating to appease the craving for pecking.

53. Take Red Peppers:
They contain capsaicin , the compound that gives them the flavor and that accelerates the metabolic rate up to 25%.

54. Eat With a Thin Girl:
There are studies that show that people tend to eat as much as other diners. If you share your meal with a friend, you will consume 35% fewer calories.

55. Take A Calcium Supplement:
And you will lose 2.6% more fat.

56. If You Do Not Walk Or Anything, Do Not Eat It:
Processed foods are full of unhealthy fats and artificial sweeteners.

57. Have A Laugh:
A session of laughter lasting between 10 and 15 minutes a day improves the weekly energy consumption by 280 calories. Review your favorite comic series.

58. Multiply Your Ideal Weight by 10:
To know how many calories you can consume daily. This way you will know what your goal is more clearly.

59. Eliminate Nocturnal Carbohydrates:
Heavier men are more likely to consume 25% of their calories after dinner.

60. Cut The Food Into Strips And Make Piles:
You will eat less but you will feel fuller.

61. Order A Single Large Plate Instead Of Several Chopping Things:
Small plates make you eat more.

62. Take The Food With Chopsticks:
Cut the calorie consumption by 30% eating with chopsticks to slow down.

63. Cut The Food Into Pieces:
People believe that cut food is 27% more abundant than the same amount of whole vegetables.

64. Do Not Eat In Front of The Computer:
You will consume 250 calories less per day than those who eat and work at the same time.

65. Listen To The Music While You Train:
That it grows in intensity during training, will help you to tireless.

66. Struggle With Acupuncture:
Do it once a week to lose an extra 4.5 kilos in three months. The pressure points trigger electrical impulses that suppress the appetite.

67. Eat Fewer Carbohydrates:
Cut the consumption of carbohydrates in 200g a week to stimulate leptin, the hormone that suppresses the appetite and speed up your metabolism.

68. Wear Glasses With Blue Lenses:
They help to lose weight by blocking red light, which stimulates hunger.

69. Listen To Classical Music:
Relaxation when eating will make you eat less.

70. Work Stress Is What Most Lads To Overeating:
Breathe in a controlled manner for two minutes, focusing on the diaphragm, you will mitigate the punctures of hunger.

71. Turn Off The TV When You Eat:
You will lose 3.5 kilos of weight per year.

72. Light The Barbecue:
Eating outdoors is the choice of the waning man since grilling meat eliminates excess fat.

73. Go To The Movies:
Eating popcorn lowers blood glucose levels, which helps burn fat.

74. Take A Warm Bath At Night To Help Digestion:
It also prepares you for sleep, which keeps the sugar level balanced.
75. Invest In A Sauce Separator:
Separate the fat from the sauce, so you’ll be spicing up your roast with a light version.

76. Drinking Strategically Helps You Lose Weight:
Small amounts of alcohol increase the metabolic rate, causing you to burn more calories. That beer after work may not be such a bad idea.

77. Wait Before Asking For The Second:
Your brain takes 20 minutes to let you know that you are full.

78. Allow A Maximum of Three Hours Between Meals:
This guarantees that your metabolic rate does not fluctuate.

79. Practice More Sex:
In addition to burning 150 calories every 20 minutes, it triggers the production of a hormone that increases metabolism and the generation of lean muscle.

80. Have A Milkshake Before Going to Bed:
They are rich in tryptophan, which induces sleep. The lack of sleep causes peaks in the hormone of cortisol, disturbs the blood sugar and leads to overeating.

81. Sit Down To Eat:
You will consume one third less than if you are walking lunch.

82. Breakfast:
Otherwise, you’ll end up eating 100 extra calories a day.

83. Avoid Drinking Energy Drinks In Excess:
Especially if you do not practice exercise.

84. Walk A Little After Exercise:
So that the fat-fighting enzymes keep working. Sitting too long deactivates the enzymes that prevent the storage of fat.

85. Double Calorie Burn:
Alternate upper and lower exercises when training.

86. Use The Treadmill:
The treadmill is the best apparatus of the gym to burn the maximum calories in the shortest possible time.

87. Burning Faster By Jumping:
10 minutes of skipping will burn the same amount of calories as half an hour running.

88. Take Creatine After Doing Weights:
It will increase your metabolic rate by 6%, so you will burn more fat.

89. Make 10 Burpees Every Morning:
30 seconds of intense exercise a day can accelerate your metabolism in two weeks.

90. Resistance Training With Light Weights Generates Muscle Fibers Type II:
This is important to speed up metabolism and reduce body fat.

91. Do Explosive Exercises:
Burns 11% more calories than doing them slowly.

92. Do Not Train Alone. Do It With Friends:
And you will lose 1/3 more weight.

93. Work With The Muscles of The Legs, Not The Trunk:
Your body uses more energy and more calories if you do it.

94. Do The Main Cardio Exercises at 18 hrs:
It is when your body temperature is at its highest, which generates flexible muscles and faster reactions.

95. Hurry Up:
Doing weights quickly burns more calories.

96. Take Whey Protein:
A great muscle generator also helps you lose 6% more body fat compared to those who do not.

97. Exercise Under The Sun And Burn 20% More Fat:
Shoot the leptin, which suppresses the appetite.

98. The High-Intensity Intervals Are The Perfect Fat Burners:
They burn up to 30% more calories.

99. The Morning Exercise Helps Burn Faster:
If you train early in the morning you will lose a kilo more than training at other times.

100. Play Squash One Hour:
You will burn 1,035 calories, more than with any other sport.

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